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Can you say Spartan Warfare?

Hey comet this was alrgiht but I'm pretty sure it's been done before....yeah... by me...Im the guy that made Spartan Warfare a few months ago. At first I thaught it was possible that we both thaught of the same parody, but then I saw that #1 on your favorites list was Spartan Warfare. But hey it doesn't bother me its just funny to me that someone copied it, glad you liked SW (expect a new flash coming soon, not SW2 but still Halo related)

Oh and Dont use computer generated voices...they are overused by many flash animators. Only resort to them if you don't have a mic.

TheComet responds:

heh. My friend Trigun kinda made me make a movie of that joke. I couldn't do voices, my mic wasn't working entirely but it worked enough for that squeak noise :P
btw, could we do a co-op halo flash?


This was bad and hey, dont want to be mean but never post a flash and say "oh this is my first flash im still learning" because that will only give you a lower score. If this is some test because your learning flash then just keep it to yourself until you get good. Find some tutorials online and start learning

juggmo responds:

My objective wasnt a good score, it was to get helpful criticism. In my opinion this is apart of the learning process. Your review was rather pointless. I understand what your saying though.


Good job on this, its very random and thats a good type of humor to use if you know how to do it right, which you definetly did. Some kind of random humor is just sometimes too random or stupid and they kill it, but this was good.

Victor-Orozco responds:

Thanks! Well, I never saw a random thing overdone because I pretty much laugh at anything random, haha. Thanks for watching :)


Very good and it was awesome then it ended so soon

could have been better if you gave it a point and made it much longer

i know you spent a lot of time tracing over the movie but its not done go add on right now

Spoon-Man responds:

wow,im surprised this thing is alive, i honestly thought it would get blammed into oblivion. There is more to the scene i was working on, and im working on finishing it up and putting the sound in along with a background and stuff, thanks guys :)

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